
Nuclear Safeguards and Irreversibility in the Reduction and Elimination of Military Nuclear Stockpiles: Three Key Questions

By Leonardo Bandarra and Noah Mayhew. On 8 April 2024, the research consortium VeSPoTec (Verification in a Complex and Unpredictable World: Social, Political and Technical Processes) and the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) held a workshop focused on the potential role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in verifying the irreversible reduction and elimination of military nuclear stockpiles. Participants included senior former and current practitioners from the field of

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VeSPoTec at the 55th “AFK-Kolloquium” of the German Association of Peace and Conflict Studies

By Linda Ostermann. VeSPoTec could not miss this year’s “AFK-Kolloquium” – a scientific conference – of the German Association of Peace and Conflict Studies: under the theme of “Disci-plines of peace and conflict research in dialog: Synergies, similarities and differ-ences with scientific-technical peace research”, five members of the VeSPoTec consortium gave input on our daily lived interdisciplinary experiences and chal-lenges, and presented on their current research interests and results.

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Digging in the past to pave the way for the future: nuclear archaeology and irreversible nuclear disarmament.

By Sophie Kretzschmar. There is a strange concurrence of fundamentally different developments in the world today regarding nuclear disarmament: On the one hand, nuclear disarmament seems to have taken several steps backwards – nuclear weapon states are increasing and modernizing their nuclear arsenals, and debates about new nuclear arrangements, however unreasonable these discussions are, have entered the discourse. On the other hand, nuclear disarmament seems to have taken a step forward – a treaty banning

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Nuclear Safeguards under Crisis Conditions: The VeSPoTec Table Top Exercise I

By Andreas Dürholt and Lukas Rademacher. On December 13 and 14, the VeSPoTec-Team welcomed nine technical experts from six different countries for a tabletop exercise on nuclear safeguards in Aachen. The exercise focused on the role that different types of safeguards-relevant information play for evaluating a State in the context of their safeguards obligations through a series of role-played

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