Dr. Hassan Elbahtimy

Hassan Elbahtimy is Senior Lecturer in the Department of War studies at King’s College London. Hassan’s research focuses on the global politics of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. He has written widely on these topics including in Foreign Affairs, Journal of Strategic Studies, Security Studies and the Nonproliferation Review, Journal of Peace and Nuclear Disarmament among others. In 2019, his research was awarded the McElveny Grand Prize by the Nonproliferation Review. Hassan served as Director for the Centre for Science and Security Studies (CSSS) 2021-2023. He was a Trustee and Executive Committee member of the British International Studies Association (BISA) 2020-2023 and chaired BISA’s L.H.M. Ling Outstanding First Book Prize in 2021 and 2022.  Prior to joining King’s College London, Hassan worked as a senior researcher at VERTIC, focusing on the verification of international arms control treaties. In that position, he participated in the ground breaking UK-Norway Initiative on verifying warhead dismantlement.