Malte Göttsche gets featured in "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Frankfurt, Germany
Malte Göttsche is featured in an article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on the occasion of his new position at TU Darmstadt and PRIF.
Podcast Appearance by Dr. Bandarra
Arms Control Poseur

In the sixth episode of season 2, host William Alberque welcomes Leonardo Bandarra to discuss the legacy of the Cuban Missile Crisis and its impact on nuclear non-proliferation efforts in Latin America.
Living with the Bomb: Nuclear Order in Crisis - Panel Discussion
Duisburg/Essen, Germany
The global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament regime has long been in crisis. Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine has dealt a fatal blow to many of its fundamental norms. The lecture series concludes with a panel discussion on the future of the nuclear order, featuring both pessimistic and optimistic voices from academia, politics and civil society.
Podcast Appearance by Dr. Bandarra
Student/Young Pugwash UK Podcast

Dr. Bandarra appeared on the Nuclear Diplomacy Podcast. There, he talks about the power of latent nuclear powers and whats next for the TPNW.
Living with the Bomb: The Bomb and Germany - Panel Discussion
Duisburg/Essen, Germany
The second event focuses on the individual perspective on nuclear weapons. On one hand, it considers the catastrophic humanitarian consequences that the use of nuclear weapons would entail. Additionally, we will explore how nuclear threats are currently Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, nuclear armament and the need for defence policy autonomy have been increasingly debated in Europe. The third event focuses on Germany and brings together experts from academia and civil society for a dialogue. The debate aims to highlight the diversity of opinions on nuclear non-proliferation, deterrence and disarmament in Germany and bring together people from different parts of society.
Living with the Bomb: Putin and the Bomb in our Heads
Duisburg/Essen, Germany
The second event focuses on the individual perspective on nuclear weapons. On one hand, it considers the catastrophic humanitarian consequences that the use of nuclear weapons would entail. Additionally, we will explore how nuclear threats are currently being used as a means of psychological warfare and the resulting consequences. It is important to avoid using language that is biased or emotional, and to maintain a formal register throughout the text. The text should also adhere to conventional structure and formatting, with clear and concise sentences that create a logical flow of information.
Interview with Dr. Wunderlich for NDR Info
ARD Audiothek

Dr. Wunderlich was interviewed for NDR Info. She gives an overview of the nuclear weapons treaties and the criticism of them.
Podcast Appearance by Dr. Wunderlich
ARD Audiothek

Dr. Wunderlich appeared on the German podcast Streitkräfte und Strategien. She was interviewed about the threats posed by nuclear weapons and the possibilities of disarmament.
INEF Blog-Article by Dr. Bandarra and Dr. Wunderlich

“The nuclear governance multiverse in a nutshell: The 2022 conferences on the prohibition and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons”,
by Dr. Leonardo Bandarra and Dr. Carmen Wunderlich. INEF-Blog.
Podcast Appearance by Dr. Wunderlich
The Pioneer Briefing
Dr. Carmen Wunderlich appeared on the German podcast The Pioneer Briefing, where she was interviewed about the „Risk of nuclear weapon use“.
Newspaper Article by Dr. Bandarra and Dr. Wunderlich

“Analysis: The First Meeting of State Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons”,
by Dr. Leonardo Bandarra and Dr. Carmen Wunderlich, El Espectador.
Please note: the article is written in Spanish.
Interview with Dr. Wunderlich
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Dr. Carmen Wunderlich for akduell, student magazine of the University of Duisburg-Essen, “Putin has proven that he cannot be trusted”.
“Nuclear weapons are capable of destroying entire cities and killing thousands of people within seconds. To prevent this, nuclear weapon states must cooperate and build trust among themselves. Dr Carmen Wunderlich from the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is researching whether and how this is possible. […]”
Interview with Leonardo Bandarra
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Leonardo Bandarra is interviewed for the article “How are norms for arms control in the Americas today?” (own translation) in El Espectador.