Linda Ostermann, M.A.

Research Associate

Linda Ostermann, M.A.

Research Associate

Linda Ostermann is a research associate at the Human Technology Center (HumTec) at RWTH Aachen University. In VeSPoTec, she focuses on the role of knowledge, non-knowledge as well as knowledge strategies in verification and arms control regimes from a social science perspective.

She studied French and Political Science (B. A.) at the University of Münster and the University of Pau (France) and International Studies/Peace and Conflict Research (M. A.) at the Goethe University Frankfurt and the Technical University of Darmstadt. In addition to her Master studies, she completed training as a mediator as well as a certificate programme in gender studies and worked at KfW Development Bank on the topics of peace and security, human rights, and gender equality.



RWTH Aachen University
Human Technology Center (HumTec)

Theaterplatz 14
52062 Aachen 
Room 344

RWTH Aachen University
Human Technology Center (HumTec)

Theaterplatz 14
52062 Aachen 
Room 344